Events, Jobs, and Community
Arlee Pow Wow
Arlee, Montana
Standing Arrow Pow Wow
Elmo, Montana
Three Chiefs Cultural Center
Cultural Education Programs available throughout the year.
Kwataqnuk Resort & Casino
Ongoing specials, events, and promotions.
Gray Wolf Peak Casino
Ongoing specials, events, and promotions.
Big Arm Resort & Casino
Ongoing specials, events, and promotions.
Join the team. Grow with us.
S&K Gaming, LLC generates an average of 200-250 full-time jobs at its managed businesses. Overall, the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes are the largest employer in Lake County, Montana, with 1,200 jobs created by the Tribes.
The tribal government infuses $65 million annually into the area economy through a $30 million payroll and $35 million spent on vendor goods and services. According to a recent report by the State of Montana, the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes contributes $317 million to the Montana economy every year. S&K Gaming, LLC, its managed businesses, and construction projects contribute significantly to these impressive economic figures.
Helping our community.
Community Partner
The S&K Gaming, LLC Board of Directors and management team integrate the cultural teachings from our ancestors into our current business principles and values. We give back to our community, embrace our culture, and support our young people in various ways.
- S&K Gaming and its management team coordinate several food drive events to distribute goods to local communities in need. In the last two years our team collected nearly 3,000 pounds of food for our local food banks including: Polson Food Bank, Mission Valley Food Pantry, St. Ignatius Food Bank and Sylvia’s Store.
- We support and participate as members of our area tourism and civic organization goals. We are proud members of: Polson Chamber of Commerce, Polson Business Chamber, Ronan Chamber of Commerce, Missoula Chamber of Commerce and Destination Missoula.
Thank You
Communication is important to the S&K Gaming Board of Directors and its management team. Feel free to contact us anytime.